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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
A Service Sorority Founded in 1913
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Parents' FAQs for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
How will my daughter benefit from joining a sorority?
Collegiate sororities are rooted in founding principles that foster academic achievement, student involvement, community service, and life-long commitment. This organization is comprised of women who have common interests and values, which form a network of support for one another during their college years. Advantages include:
Scholastic resources to help students achieve their academic goals
Leadership skills acquired through hands-on experience
Encouragement to get involved and maximize their potential on campus
Opportunities for active participation in community service projects
What will my daughter get out of the sorority life experience that she would not get out of any other college organization?
Coming to college is a significant life change that your daughter will experience. Joining a sorority will help make the transition easier. The sorority experience is multifaceted and offers numerous opportunities. Developing life-long friendships with the sisters in the chapter and Fraternity & Sorority Life community helps make the campus experience seem more like home. In addition to the sisterhood, every Chapter is dedicated to enhancing leadership, scholarship, community service, and financial responsibility through various programs and opportunities. It will be up to your daughter to determine the level of involvement she wants to have in the organization and what kind of experience it will be for her.
What is the process?
Women interested in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will need to be aware of when flyers are posted on campus for the initial interest meeting of the intake process. This frequently will occur in the fall or spring but is determined by the Chapter, organization, and university campus partnership.
What are the financial obligations of membership?
Like joining other campus clubs and organizations, there is a financial commitment associated with joining a sorority. These fees go towards operating costs for the chapters, national dues, and social activities sponsored by the chapters. Chapters will work with their members to make sure these do not become burdensome. Financial obligations differ by Chapter. Be sure that your daughter checks with the Chapter while going through the intake process about the financial obligations of membership.
Can my daughter be a part of a chapter if she is a commuter?
Certainly! Sorority membership can be a valuable experience, regardless of whether your daughter is living at home or in a residence hall. Off-campus students find sorority membership provides them with a place to hang out between classes, a place to study, and a support group of friends they don't get by not living in the residence halls.
How much of a concern is alcohol with joining a sorority?
Although the common stereotype is that sororities enable binge drinking and reckless behavior, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority works to dispel such stereotypes in our collegiate membership. The sorority community strives to maintain a safe and responsible environment in terms of social activities sponsored by its chapters. Delta Sigma Theta has a strict guideline that must be followed to hold social functions. They are required to follow very strict and detailed risk management and alcohol policies. They are held accountable to the Student Code of Conduct of each campus and the national governing body.
Is hazing a concern?
Hazing, in any form, is not tolerated. The hazing policy of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. also falls in accordance with each campus no hazing tolerance. Potential New Members are required to sign Anti-hazing forms as a part of joining the organization. Hazing includes, but not limited to, any activity that subjects members, or prospective members, to harassment, ridicule, intimidation, physical exhaustion, abuse, or mental distress. It is contrary to the purposes of the fraternity and sorority life experience and the college and university culture. If you sense your daughter may be participating in inappropriate activities as a result of membership in a sorority, you should contact the Regional Director from the region where the school is housed (see Directory below) if you have concerns
Why are there some things sorority members can't talk about? What's the big secret?
It is understandable that you, as parents, might be concerned if you hear that some of the things that go on during your daughter's initiation are to be kept secret. Initiation into a sorority is an exciting, yet solemn ceremony that conveys the purposes and values of the sorority. These ceremonies are referred to as rituals. Sorority chapters pride themselves on the rituals upon which their chapters were founded. These rituals are full of the traditions and values that make the chapters unique. However, they should not be confused with hazing and other inappropriate activities. If your daughter is not permitted to talk to you for extended periods, this may be a sign of other issues. Please contact the Regional Director from the region where the school is housed (see Directory below) if you have concerns.
How will being a collegiate member of Delta Sigma Theta affect my daughter's grades?
Some parents worry that the extra social events and responsibilities of being in a sorority might take away from their student's time for academics. Being a sorority member is a time commitment, but one of the core values of sororities is scholastic excellence. Delta Sigma Theta maintains a certain grade point average that members must maintain throughout their college experience. If members do not meet this requirement, chapters offer resources to members to receive assistance. Often chapters organize incentives and awards for the most improved GPAs or the best GPAs. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. promotes the importance of a quality education, and academic excellence is a priority.
How will joining a chapter now benefit my daughter after graduation?
The lifelong commitment your daughter will make through their Chapter can last long into her post-college years. Delta Sigma Theta has graduate chapters to join, national networks, and connections for its members to use for securing jobs and advancing careers, etc. Membership in an alumnae chapter can be a life-long experience that the member and the sorority enjoy together.
Who is actually in charge of the organization, and is there outside support?
Collegiate chapters elect members to officer positions who manage the day-to-day operations of the Chapter. These officers are assisted by members serving on committees, so everyone is involved in and exposed to leadership positions. Each member learns cooperation, communication, and planning skills. Chapters are also required to have a faculty or staff advisor. And each Chapter is responsible to the national headquarters of Delta Sigma Theta, which offers support, advice, and direction through paid professional staff and regional volunteers. All chapters have local alumnae acting as advisors, and some chapters have alumnae advisory boards that work with its members.
The campus-based professional and staff liaison to the fraternity and sorority community offers support, advice, and guidance to governing councils, chapter officers, advisors, and members.
What is my role as a parent?
Encourage your daughter to attend as many campus events as possible during the fall or spring semester. Being involved is the best way to meet active sorority members and learn about their chapters. Involvement in other student organizations is looked favorably upon during the membership selection process.
Students need support throughout the process of recruitment and new member education. Be supportive and learn as much as you can about sorority life by asking questions of your student as she meets members in sororities.
Keep an open mind…sorority life is not for everyone. Just because you may have been a fraternity or sorority member doesn't mean that it is the right choice for your daughter.
Sorority chapters are different on every campus. Groups that may have been strong on the campus where you attended school may not have the same reputation at your daughter's university. Let your daughter choose the group that she feels the most comfortable joining.
Talk to your daughter beforehand about the financial obligation. Determine who will pay for what and where are the financial limits.
Do not become too involved in the sorority recruitment process…this is your daughter's decision.
Too often, parents do not allow their student to "fight their own battles." It helps the student to mature and gain some assertiveness when allowed to call various offices if they have questions about their decision to join the fraternity and sorority life community.